
Simply put, Orquídeas Moxviquil's mission is to safeguard for future generations a small sampling of the vast and varied essence of Chiapas' living natural wonders, while at the same time maintaining an area where people can visit and share in the beauty of these most graceful, fanciful and simply extraordinary handiworks of evolution: the flora of Chiapas.

Please note: There is a fee for visiting the gardens.

OM is open daily, 9:00 - 17:00, except Sundays 10:00 - 16:00

Through the collection and care of various distinct bioregions of Chiapas, Orquídeas Moxviquil OM acts as a resource to help disperse critical information for scientific studies, along with being a natural educational playground open to people of all walks of life. Reaching further afield, OM intends to be a source and springboard to encourage campesino groups to take control of the destiny of their wild well-preserved forests by helping them maintain and expand virgin and unexploited forests, while facilitating the establishment of nurseries to seed, grow and produce flowers and plants for local and export markets. With special focus on the remarkable orchid, OM brings together like-minded people and those new to the natural wonders of Chiapas and their local forests to share in the majesty of orchids, as well as all other plant and animal life.

As it extends itself to the community, OM will continue to encourage the formation of orchid societies and satellite Jardines de Orquídeas in other areas of Chiapas and Mexico. OM now provides a space where new and existing information about orchids and epiphytes, plants living on the bark of trees and shrubs that are not parasites, can gather and grow; helping to create a natural and educational paradise nestled amidst the beauty of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.

Donate now!

See our Donations page for more details.

Our New Greenhouse

Check out this presentation on our new greenhouse!


© 2025 Orquídeas Moxviquil   |    info@orchidsmexico.com    |    Tel: +52 (967) 678-5727     |    diseño web: expomas.com
photo: hix